Thursday 20 June 2013

Electrical fire

Another day another electrical fire

Tuesday 18 June 2013

AAP 200 Kitchen Fres in 6 Weeks

AAP "An elderly woman whose arms were burnt and a man who suffered severe hand burns are among the victims of more than 200 kitchen fires in NSW in just six weeks.
Fire and Rescue NSW says the increase in kitchen fires has had firefighters putting out five blazes a day.
The figures also included a spike of 98 kitchen fires over five days.
More than 90 per cent of kitchen fires started with food catching alight while cooking.
Fire Commissioner Greg Mullins said many of these fires were the result of too much multi-tasking and not 
enough concentration on the task at hand.
"We know that most of these happen when cooking is left unattended because residents are juggling other 
tasks," he said on Wednesday.
"Don't leave you and your family's fire safety to chance this winter."
Last month a Coogee man suffered severe burns to his hands after a fire on a stove in his unit.
On Monday, an elderly woman suffered burns to her arms after food caught alight in her oven at West Hoxton.
"Keep a watchful eye on your cooking," Commissioner Mullins said in a statement""

Copied from


Faulty electric heaters

We live near a fire station in the city. This week there has been almost a constant streem of fire enging with sirens.
I walked down and had a chat with the men and women at the station in Castlereagh St
I asked why the sudden rush of call outs hey replied that miss use of electric heaters and faulty cords.
The wordt were electric blankets

Sunday 16 June 2013

Seasonal Requirements for Testing and Tagging

With the cold weather in Australia it is now time to get out the radiators and electric blankets.
There has already been some near fatal fires. Have your plug in electrical equipment tested.

Call 0423257303  or go to

Testing and Tagging of Plug in Electrical Equipment in Rental property

Testing and tagging or rental equipment. All plug in rental equipment must be tagged at the commencement of the lease.

Thar means all equipment and appliances included in a lease commercial or residential lease must be tagged 04 2325 7302
Test N Tag Sydney

Testing and Tagging of Plug In Electrical Equipment in the Workplace

Call me on 04232 57302  for Testing and Tagging

Click the image to go to website

The testing and tagging of plug in electrical equipment to Australian Standard AS3760 in the workplace is required by law

Visit my website